How would you say good-bye to the WB?
Check out this article from EW Pop Watch on what to give during the 5 hr programming block. Parting is going to be such sweet, sweet sorrow when the WB signs off permanently on Sunday, Sept. 17, with a five-hour programming block (starting at 5 p.m. EDT) that will be comprised of the pilots for Felicity, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (two hours), and Dawson’s Creek, plus other promos and highlight clips. Should be riveting stuff, but if I were in charge of programming the net’s three final primetime hours (from 7-10 p.m.), I’d focus on some moments of fearless innovation that, in its best moments, separated the WB from its older, crustier competitors.
7 p.m. Dawson’s Creek pilot 8 p.m. Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical episode, "Once More, With Feeling" 9 p.m. The Felicity "Twilight Zone" episode, "Help for the Lovelorn"
There’s my dream lineup -- well, second behind the all-Felicity-all-the-time network -- now what would you want to see in the WB’s final three hours? (Feel free to use EW’s countdown of the network’s 11 most memorable moments for inspiration).
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