Blog This, Sissy!
Saturday, July 29
Seeing Double!
The skinny on Nicole and Victoria Beckham:
Nicole is thinner than Victoria. I didn't think that was possible.
Heels and shorts? Iew.
We are the girls in black. Don't mess with us!
Angelina Jolie, covered with sensors while filming the CGI-animated Beowulf (right, in Los Angeles), looked frighteningly like horror-movie boogeyman Pinhead (actor Doug Bradley). Who's scarier – the Hollywood hellion or the Hellraiser haunter?[source]
Can you believe Goldie Hawn is 59? Wow, she looks pretty good.
Christina is definately no Gwen!
Not much has changed since should have compared Jessica Simpson or Pamela Anderson to Farrah instead of Paris.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all I have to say about these two!

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